Mechanized Grinding

This summer allowed HRF the opportunity to complete projects using a mechanical grinding forestry machine.  The projects focused on reducing unwanted vegetation and allowing sunlight to reach the ground where it had been blocked for many years.  One project focused on woodland restoration in preparation for future re-planting.  A secondary project focused on restoration or […]

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2014 Plantings

The quantity of plantings was not large in the spring of 2014, but HRF still planted nearly 50,000 trees over the course of 4 project areas.  Three private landowners improved their properties greatly with the addition of acres converted into future forests.  The Iowa DNR added 71 acres of new forestland with HRF planting in […]

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LHSF 2014

HRF makes the trek back up to the Loess Hills State Forest once again and this time finds itself in the Little Sioux Unit. The hills and the time of year certainly don’t disappoint.  The terrain is steep, the temperatures are bitterly cold, and the wind has continued to blow measured by such words as […]

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Loess Hills Rehabilitation

This project brought HRF back to an incredible property near Thurman.  Main goals of this phase of improvements were to reduce an undesirable low and mid-canopy layer of ironwood and the continuation of the battle against Honeysuckle. It was a beautiful time to work in these woods with the Autumnal colors bursting from every vantage. […]

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Prairie Restoration

HRF had the great opportunity to return to a property it had completed work on several years ago.  The previous project involved forest stand improvement (FSI).  This spring the project was geared toward the restoration of upland prairie within the southern Loess Hills. HRF worked on ground with difficult access points and steep terrain.  A […]

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HRF planted nearly 35,000 trees this spring.  Most recently nearly 31,000 seedlings and 200 larger potted stock were planted for the Army Corps of Engineers and Iowa DNR over 40 acres near the Missouri River south of Bartlett.  All larger potted trees were planted using a rubber tracked compact track loader equipped with an 18″ […]

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Late Fall Forest Restoration

Hickory Ridge Forestry spent the majority of late fall in the southern Loess Hills near Thurman, IA. HRF helped to complete a forest restoration project revolving around the enhancement of a oak/hickory upland hardwood forest.  Before the thinning the amount of sunlight reaching the forest floor was minimal.  Light admittance was restricted by a heavy mid-canopy […]

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9/11 Memorial Bench

Opportunity arose to create and dedicate a bench for the National 9/11 Memorial.  This bench is dedicated in honor of all first responders…by first responders.  Every person who lent a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or offered a prayer of hope has a place on this bench. This bench symbolizes the strength and […]

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Stephens Post Harvest

Hickory Ridge Forestry completed nearly 90 acres of post harvest thinning at Stephens State Forest near Chariton, IA.  This area is now ready for wonderful regeneration of high quality hardwoods with nearly full sunlight reaching the forest floor. Certain complications arise with each project with this one no different than the rest.  Unfortunately the majority […]

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Northern Loess Hills Planting

This planting took place in Northern Monona county in some of the most prestigious areas of the Loess Hills a person could imagine.  Restoration in this area has been intensive and impressive on both the private and public fronts.  This particular property is no exception. HRF helped to plant nearly 3000 new seedlings in reclaimed […]

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HRF 2017

Jan 17, 2017 0

It’s been a considerable amount of time since the last post.  I’m not the most technologically advanced forester and it’s been a whirlwind of the last 2.5 years or so.

With that being said….

2017 is shaping up to be a busy year!!!  Multiple TSI projects, Tree Planting, Mechanical Clearing, and other projects dot the landscape for HRF for a year filled with great conservation efforts.  I’ll be bringing the camera out with me this year in an effort to do a better job documenting restoration this year.

Until then, stay safe and have a wonderful new year!!!

Cool Autumn

Oct 03, 2014 0

October has finally ushered in traditional cool weather.  Gusty north winds blow while the air is crisp.  The foliage is starting to change color ever so slightly and our sun’s position has noticeably changed.  Although our summer was comfortable, the fall weather is a nice change of pace.  This new season shows the succession of our world as it begins to wind down and prepare for the coming winter.

HRF will be busy working on projects from Minnesota to Kansas and places in-between.  We’ll keep track of the seasonal changes and report nature’s beauty across the region.  It’s time for stocking caps and flannel shirts…let the fall colors blaze in…let the winds blow.

Welcome 2014

Jan 04, 2014 0

As we usher in yet another new year HRF is excited to announce five years of successful operation in southwest IA and areas beyond.  Over the course of the last five years thousands of acres of land have been improved and revitalized by active landowners and state agencies.  HRF has been privileged to lead the way in those efforts.

The cold January hills of the Loess Hills State Forest once again beckon HRF for a winter project.  We will undertake 150 acres of restorative work and ensure future high quality woodlands in LHSF’s area.

Thanks to all who have helped to make HRF successful  and have in turn become excellent stewards of their respective properties.  HRF greatly looks forward to the next five years of amazing projects and amazing people.  We wish you all the best of fortunes in 2014.