We’re in to the first full week of April, and if we can keep the snow away, we’ll be ready to start the spring tree planting season. HRF will be starting planting near Carson, moving south of Council Bluffs, and then near Glenwood to kick things off. Many seedlings are still available from the state nursery, but some species have sold out. Availability is on a first come first serve basis, so if you are thinking about a spring planting, it’s time to start planning your project. HRF is also fabricating a custom ATV mounted adjustable height sprayer for herbicide application. This sprayer will allow weed and grass control in tight areas along with a perfect spray width for your seedling row preparation.
HRF spent Saturday at the Little Sioux Scout Ranch. HRF was lucky enough to have the opportunity to help lend a hand to a couple of great young men as they tackled a timber stand improvement (TSI) project in preparation for some seedling plantings in a month or so. It was a fabulous day to be outside helping to improve the already impressive scout ranch. It is an incredible piece of property for the scouts to use and enjoy. I sincerely want to thank Toby, Cory, and Mr. Glenn Flint for the chance to help them with their project today. It was a wonderful experience to help enhance the scout ranch for future generations of scouts.
HRF is currently just north of Hamburg, IA. The current project is cedar eradication in the Loess Hills. It is very amazing and beautiful country. It’s astounding how these hills can possess such changes in topography. There are hidden valleys, fingers, knobs, and great drop-offs around every corner. Unfortunately there are areas that have been completely overwhelmed with invasive eastern red cedar. This cedar has the ability to choke out everything around it. It’s not an easy task but it really reminds me of working in the mountains of southern New Mexico. The smell of freshly cut red cedar is a refreshing change from the norm.