Hickory Ridge Forestry completed nearly 90 acres of post harvest thinning at Stephens State Forest near Chariton, IA. This area is now ready for wonderful regeneration of high quality hardwoods with nearly full sunlight reaching the forest floor.
Certain complications arise with each project with this one no different than the rest. Unfortunately the majority of the work occurred within one of the hottest stretches of summer Iowa has seen in many years. Most days the forecast air temperatures were easily above 100 degrees. On the forest floor HRF regularly recorded temperatures ranging from 110-115 degrees. Without a doubt the heat made working conditions brutal and the danger of heat exhaustion or worse the primary safety concern.
The project revolved around the reduction of smaller diameter timber left over after the logging operation two years ago. This process removed the remainder of the understory and mid-canopy layers allowing sunlight to flood the forest floor. Natural oak regeneration is already taking place and with the inclusion of full sunlight the hope is their growth will take off at a phenomenal rate. These new seedlings are the beginning of the next forested stand that might be viewed at maturity by our grandchildren!